Feakonomics blog post about "Power to Save the World"
The popular New York Times blog titled Freakonomics noticed the Wall Street Journal review of Gwyneth Cravens’s book Power to Save the World and produced a post on 21 November 2007 titled Do Not Read This If You Are Anti-Nuclear Energy.
Apparently Stephen J. Dubner, the author of Freakonomics has been thinking and writing quite a bit about nuclear energy recently. He is encouraging people to take a hard look at what they think about the power source and why they might want to change their minds if they are adamantly opposed. You can find a number of posts on the topic at http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/tag/nuclear-energy/.
In the post about “Power to Save”, Dubner provided an important comment about his pulse taking activities of reading and writing about nuclear and reviewing the comments that he has received.
That said, it sure feels as if the tide is turning on nuclear power, at least in terms of the American public perception. And if you think public perception isn’t important, just think back to how severely the perception of the Three Mile Island accident changed nuclear power’s future.