Even California's Pete Wilson has positive comments about nuclear power
Okay, I admit that the headline is a bit misleading, but I could not resist. I came across an article titled Nuclear Power To Heat Your Home? on the ABC-7 (San Francisco, CA) web site.
The author listed for the article is Pete Wilson, a news anchorman who bears the burden of sharing the same name as the governor of California who served from 1991-1999 and bears at least some of the responsibility for creating the conditions that led to the state’s energy crisis in 1999-2001. Governor Pete Wilson was the guy that could never figure out that the state’s ban on new nuclear power plants should at least be reviewed in the face of the shortages and the high prices that were partially the result of building only natural gas fired power plants over a long period of time.
Here are some quotes from the article written by the other Pete Wilson, the journalist. Though there are also some quotes from the antinuclear side for balance, it seems that this one is more representative of the author’s leanings.
California’s energy needs are growing roughly 4 percent a year. But there are not enough new plants in the works to meet the demand.
Greg Fishman, California Independent System Operator: “We’d like to see a real broad diversity of resources.”
Other states and countries faced with similar challenges have turned to nuclear energy plants.
China is building 30 nuclear plants over the next 15 years. India is building 40 plants in the next 10 years. And at least 10 more are being studied for the eastern United States, but not one west of the Mississippi.
Scott Peterson, Nuclear Energy Institute: “Nuclear energy should be one of the sources that the state looks at.”