Balanced discussion of California electricity supply has published an important article by Sarah Jane Tribble titled A dark horse for alternative energy that gives a good overview of the current discussion that is starting to occur in California about future energy supplies.
I highly recommend that you visit the article and enter into the conversation – the site takes comments. Here is a teaser to help set the tone for what you will find when you click on the link above:
As California grapples with global warming, energy-industry leaders, environmentalists and policy-makers are subtly — but significantly — starting to shift their thinking about the controversial power source.
“Nuclear power has to be part of the solution,” Stanford University President John Hennessy said at an alternative-energy gathering in Palo Alto this spring. “Can we really understand the notion of risk? Nuclear plants versus carbon emissions — which will kill and has killed more people?”
The audience applauded.
Unlike natural gas and coal, nuclear energy does not produce greenhouse gas and is becoming an alternative-energy dark horse.
I think that the author deserves kudos and responses. Help her out by filling her article with engaging and reasoned commentary.
BTW: I continue to put as much money as I can spare onto the dark horse. The payoff is going to be huge; I can sense it!