Atomic Show transition news
Several months ago, Cameron Reilly, the founder of The Podcast Network (TPN), notified me that he was shutting down TPN. He had worked hard to build the business for many years, but had decided to move on. That announcement meant that I had to find a new home for The Atomic Show podcast.
As a life long procrastinator, it took me a while to get motivated and to set up a new plan for a new infrastructure. For a part of that time I was in denial and hoping that Cam would find a way to keep going. A few days ago, I finally moved all of the archived Atomic Show audio files to a robust hosted service provider. I was apparently just in time – The Podcast Network server became unavailable within a few hours after I completed that move.
With the help of Jason, my favorite WordPress guru, I decided to make the Atomic Show an integral part of Atomic Insights. All of the historical posts have been imported, we have added the capability for inline audio playback, and all of the audio files can be downloaded from the associated blog post.
We will continue producing new shows and place them in the “Podcast” category. I am hoping to gather some of my favorite guests this weekend, but I know that quite a few of them are going to be in Chicago for the annual ANS Meeting. Margaret Harding, one of those frequent guests, will be receiving a special award for her amazing efforts to spread real knowledge in the face of Fukushima Frenzy FUD. Congratulations, Margaret!
We still need to take the actions required to update iTunes to the new feed, but you can help us do some testing by trying the feed yourself at
Cam Reilly – I hope that you are continuing to follow Atomic Insights and are able to read this public thank note. You were a great host and provided responsive service for many years. You helped to make the Atomic Show a viable information source for thousands of nuclear curious people. I still love The Podcast Network motto – Listen, Learn, Evolve. It was a terrific concept; I am sorry that it did not result in a business that lasted.
Since this blog is all about energy in many shapes, I cannot believe the amount of energy you have deployed over the years.
Only a passionate man can do what you do. When I was referring on a previous thread that the UK had crossed the tipping point thanks to Monbiot and Lynas, I erred when I said that such journalistic excellence did not exist in the US. I think you are an excellent communicator.
I am learning a lot on this blog and I thank you for it.
Great program. Has been very educational for an ex-anti nuc guy.
I have been fighting the Atomic Show download problem for a while, until I went to your
website. The itunes button still does not work but the new link in the above message did.
A permanent non-itunes link on the site to the new Atomic Show on the main website would be great, thanks.