Atomic Show 79 – Five atomic geeks chatting
On Sunday, 13 January, I got together with four friends – John Wheeler (host of This Week In Nuclear), Kelly Taylor (who occasionally blogs at NEI Nuclear Notes), Robert Margolis, and Michael Stuart (who also blogs at NEI Nuclear Notes) – to chat about atomic topics.
Among us we have about 100 years of experience in various parts of nuclear technology and industry. We talked about Robert’s experience as the reactor engineer on shift when Ft. St. Vrain, the last gas cooled reactor to operate in the United States shut down for the last time.
We chatted about FPL’s recent overhaul of the St. Lucie Nuclear Plant number 2, about the changes in the heat business during the past half dozen years and about the growing interest in nuclear power in Europe that is being led by the UK’s recent decision to include new nuclear power plants as a major part of its energy plan.
You can listen to our conversation by visiting The Atomic Show #079 – Ft St Vrain, energy comparisons, UK nuclear decision.