Atomic Retro
I’ll admit it. I am a child of the 70’s and actually liked doing the Bump when I was in high school. I even wore a leisure suit and polyester shirts with long pointed collars.
I just stumbled across a web site that had me laughing out loud. The site is sponsored by Friends of the Earth (FOE) and is called Nuke Retro. It is at
Please do not skip the Flash intro, especially if you shook your booty at a disco. It is really quite clever and provides food for thought as we move toward an atomic rebirth.
It is also amusing to me to note that FOE web designers have apparently missed the fact that 70s fashions really are in these days. Hip huggers, short shorts, halter tops, and tight tee shirts are as common on the streets of urban centers in the US and the UK as they were when we were building enough nuclear power plants to take 20% of the electricity market away from fossil fuel. I know this first hand, because I find these kinds of clothes in our washing machine once again since our 20 something daughters are spending the summer with us in between school terms.
If clothes can return, so can power sources that are based on sound science and economics.