Ameren subsidiary speculating about new nuclear power plant
In an article in the Kansas City Star titled Atomic power finds new popularity, Gary Rainwater, the CEO of Ameren Corp is quoted as saying that his company is “seriously considering” adding a new nuclear power reactor at the Callaway Nuclear Plant.
The article is quite lengthy and expresses some amount of excitement on the part of business development people at the prospects of major new projects that employ as many as 2,000 people during the construction phase and represent permanent work force additions of approximately 300-500 people per plant.
There are also leaders of opposition groups quoted as saying that no one wants to pay for the plants and no one wants to live near one. Of course, those arguments make little sense when heard in the context of excitement by civic leaders in the area near the proposed project and business leaders who say that “it is the most reliable and best cost option for additional generating capacity.”