Atomic Show #199 – Fukushima happened 2 years ago

Before March 11, 2011, “Fukushima” was the name of a relatively unknown prefecture in Japan. Now it is a shorthand reference to an event in which three large nuclear power plants melted and released a small quantity of long lived radioactive material that has not harmed any human being. Here is a brief synopsis of…

Is an employee buyout a win-win-win solution for Kewaunee Nuclear Power Station?

Dominion’s October 2012 announcement that it is closing the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant took the nuclear industry by almost complete surprise. My friends who write about nuclear topics on a regular basis had no clue about the possibility before it was announced. None of the contacts that I have developed over the past few decades…

San Onofre steam generators – honest error driven by search for perfection

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), the supplier that sold four new steam generators to Southern California Edison (SCE) for the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS), has issued a redacted version of its root cause analysis of the u-tube failures that have kept both of the station’s 1100 MWe units shut down since January 31, 2012….

Is Bill McKibben really serious about climate change?

Is Bill McKibben really serious about climate change?

Andy Revkin recently published a post on his Dot Earth blog titled A Communications Scholar Analyzes Bill McKibben’s Path on Climate. In one of the videos that is embedded in the article, Matthew Nisbet describes Bill McKibben as a public intellectual and compares his activism on climate to that of Rachel Carson on the effects…

NGNP aims to expand nuclear fission out of its electricity producing niche (box)

The NGNP Alliance recently published a thought provoking blog titled Energy Vs. Electricity and Why We Care that clearly explains the basis for their interest in using high temperature gas cooled reactors. That group of far-sighted organizations was formed in recognition that the energy market is far larger than just producing electricity. They believe that…

New York Times says positive things about new nuclear energy

I’ll admit that I am actively searching for good news about nuclear energy to counter the conventional wisdom that we are losing the market battle to cheap natural gas. I found an interesting take on recent Cabinet appointments in a New York Times editorial titled Two Enlistees in the Climate Wars. Though it appears as…

Measuring natural gamma radiation that human bodies have evolved to handle

Communicating complex subjects is often easier in person or on video. As one of my visually oriented friends likes to say, if a picture is worth a thousand words, a good quality video can be worth 30,000 words per second. Here is a clear, short video that shows how natural gamma radiation surrounds us all…

The Weather Channel visits B&W mPower, Inc.

On February 14, 2013, my day job employer hosted a contingent from The Weather Channel who wanted to learn more about the B&W mPowerTM Reactor project. The video is quite informative and encouraging; even though there is a little poetic license taken with the story and the technical description. Though I work for B&W mPower,…

Atomic Show #198 – Women are empowered by reliable energy

A few days ago, Steve Aplin wrote an inspiring post on Canadian Energy Issues titled The electric grid: the greatest invention of all time expanded after women won the vote. That post described how important electricity was to the effort to free women from household chores so that they could choose to pursue more interesting…

Another blogger for nuclear energy – NGNP Alliance

I’m perhaps a bit late to welcome the NGNP Alliance to the pro-nuclear blogging community, but it’s better to be late than to never share a welcome at all. I love the tag line that the NGNP Alliance has chosen for their blog – Digital Advocacy for Energy Density. It concisely captures my own motive…

Too Hot to Touch – Matt Wald’s review of new book on nuclear waste issue

Matt Wald of the New York Times recently reviewed a new book on America’s nuclear waste storage saga titled Too Hot to Touch: The Problem of High-Level Nuclear Waste. Aside: Sadly, Matt’s post was one of the last posts ever published on Green, which just announced its demise due to budget constraints. It’s a crying…