BPA Wind Production Versus System Power Demands

When I posted a short post about Bonneville Power Administration’s recent record setting “hour of power” one of you posted a link to a web site that provides a near real time view of the last 8 days of the system wind power output versus the total system demand. If you are ever curious about…

BPA Sets a Wind Production Record for Its Grid

The Clean Skies News Energy Report: Afternoon Edition of August 17, 2009 concluded with a report about a wind electricity production record set on August 6, 2009. The video from that report is posted below. It is clipped from the report, but otherwise unedited. I am sharing it with you under the site’s Creative Commons…

Nuclear Energy Provides "On Demand" Power

Dan Yurman at Idaho Samizdat posted a must read blog titled Obama’s climate policy needs nuclear energy. At first I thought it was going to be a discussion about the recent Energy Information Administration’s analysis of the Waxman-Markey climate legislation that indicated that the only way that the targets could be met without vast energy…

Selling “Clean, Natural Gas” By Casting Doubt On Nuclear Energy

Several times in the past week, I have pointed out just how much money is involved in pushing people to act in certain ways in response to the threat of global climate change. It seems so obvious to me that the most useful tool in shifting our economy to sustainability without emitting carbon dioxide into…

ExxonMobil Is Betting $30 BILLION That They Can Push 9.9 Billion Cubic Feet Per Day Of Natural Gas Into The World Energy Market

Forbes Magazine has a cover story designating ExxonMobil as the “Green Company of the Year”. The basis for that designation is the soon-to-be-completed liquified natural gas (LNG) project in Qatar. That project will produce 9.9 Billion cubic feet per day of natural gas in a form that can be shipped around the world from one…