"Clean Coal" PR Firm Details its Tactics for Elevating The Visibility of Coal During 2008 Presidential Campaign

A friend of mine just sent me a link to a desmogblog.com post describing a proud friends and family newsletter from a Virginia based public relations firm called Hawthorn Group. The newsletter provided numerous details about how Hawthorn Group used a focused set of traditional public relations tactics to give the impression that there is…

Steven Chu Confirmation Hearings on The Atomic Show

I published the promised episode of The Atomic Show with clips from Steven Chu’s confirmation hearing with the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee this morning. After spending several hours listening and digesting the sworn testimony of the proposed leader for the DOE, my conclusion is that there is still a lot of work left…

Environmental Footprint Comparisons

Physical Insights is one of my favorite blogs to visit. It is produced by a science student at the University of Melbourne Australia. He recently produced a pithy post with two photos and some computations that should provide a lot of food for thought for those honest environmentalists that are concerned about the footprint that…

Slovakia Ready on Technical Level To Restart Jaslovske Bohunice Reactor

The gas crisis in Europe continues. The European Commission has sent a letter to Slovakia requesting clarification for the reason it has announced its intention to put aside its EU the accession agreement. That agreement, despite requests for reconsideration, resulted in shutting down two 408 MWe reactors that had met International Atomic Energy Agency safety…

Senators Focus on Chu's Nuclear Positions

Senators Lisa Murkowski, Jeff Sessions, Richard Burr, Bob Corker, and Mary Landrieu all asked pointed, pro-nuclear questions during Steven Chu’s confirmation hearing yesterday. Warms my heart to think that the message is finally getting across – there is NO supportable logic in a position that states that energy security is vital, protecting the climate is…

Shell Oil's Version of Future Energy Sources

I hope that the below copy is readable, but if not, you might try clicking on it to get access to a larger version. It came from the December 8, 2008 issue of Fortune Magazine. Just in case you cannot read the copy, here it is: “Tackling climate change and providing fuel for a growing…

Smoking Gun Part 14 – Peter Hartley Claims Natural Gas is Cheaper Than Nuclear

Eric Berger, writing for the Houston Chronicle, published an article on Friday titled Nuclear power’s core of support gains strength. He provided some opposing view commentary from Peter Hartley, a man he describes as “an energy expert at Rice University”. Here are some of the quotes from the article: “I just don’t think there will…

Gas Crisis in Europe Definitely Leading to a New Nuclear Conversation

A couple of days ago, I linked to an article quoting Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov stating a need to restart Kozludy 3, a 405 MWe nuclear power plant that was forced to shut down at the end of 2006 as a result of EU demands as part of Bulgaria’s accession to the EU. A reader…