Iran's nuclear activities should lower oil prices

Oil prices continue to increase with depressing regularity, mainly due to fears that the available supply will not continue to match the growth in demand. It is truly a strange world when one of the main contributors to that fear seems to be the fact that a major oil exporting country is working diligently to…

Losers in a high energy cost economy

Yesterday I mentioned the high cost of the competitors for atomic energy in America. The fact that energy is far more expensive now than it was just two or three years ago is not really news – radio, television and newspaper articles that talk about gasoline prices are published with great regularity. Gasoline prices are…

Atomic energy competitors get more expensive

According to the BBC, – – oil prices in Asia have reached $62.69 per barrel on August 8, 2005. Though there will be plenty of commentators that minimize the impact of that very high price by referring to the inflation adjusted prices from the early 1980s, the fact remains that oil prices are nearly…

Alabama planning aggressive incentives

Several weeks ago, I mentioned that the governments in the area near the Bellefonte Nuclear Generating Station had passed resolutions to encourage the NuStart consortium to build a new plant in their backyard. They have apparently been busy in the past few weeks and have captured the attention of the Alabama state government. The Huntsville…

Pennsylvania's Nuclear History and Future

Davic Falchek of the Scranton Times-Tribune web wrote an in-depth look at the past, present and future of nuclear power in Pennsylvania. Here is the link to the article that was published on July 31, 2005. As of 4:57 am on 31 July, the article is simply titled “More News”, but that might change since…

Viewpoint from Bangor Maine – Nuclear power is coming back

Here is a link to a well reasoned viewpoint from Donald A. Grant, Ph.D., P.E. He is the R. C. Hill Professor and chair of the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Maine. This piece is recommended reading for anyone trying to understand why so many people are waking up to the importance of…

Friends of the Earth endorses off shore gas and LNG project

Marathon Oil has announced plans to drill gas wells approximately 21 miles off the coast of Wales. The company discovered a gas deposit there in 1994, but determined that the market price was not high enough to support the cost of developing the field while still providing an attractive rate of return. The current price…

Calvert County Commissioners say In MY Backyard

With a unanimous vote yesterday, the Board of County Commissioners for Calvert County, Maryland decided to submit a resolution and letter of support endorsing the NuStart Energy Development Corporation’s consideration of the Calvert Cliffs site for one of their proposed new reactors. Board of County Commissioners Submits Resolution in Support of NuStart Energy’s Calvert Cliffs…

Progress Energy may hire 1000 entry-level employees by December 2005

A friend pointed me to a great article about the North Carolina State nuclear engineering program. Campus reactor leads the way in ‘nuclear renaissance’. Here is a quote from the article that should make young technical types sit up and take notice: Jacobson echoed Ferrell’s statements, when she also added the market for hiring at…

Warren Buffett versus Amory Lovins

An article from the June 23, 2005 edition of Forbes Magazine was titled Buffett Still Power Hungry. Here is a quote from that article: Buffett also said that Berkshire is looking at new-generation nuclear power plants with an “open mind.” While Buffett has spoken positively about the utility and pipeline segments of the energy business…

Public favours refurbishment of Point Lepreau plant

One of my regular readers recommended that I share the following link with you – – Public favours refurbishment of Point Lepreau plant. Point Lepreau supplies approximately one third of the electricity in Canada’s New Brunswick province. It was the first CANDU-6 to be licensed and begin commercial operations. It is due for an…

Lovins failed gospel

Yesterday, I posted a link to a new anti-nuclear diatribe by Amory Lovins, a man that has been preaching the gospel of “negawatts” for more than a quarter of a century. According to his dogma, the only energy supply we need is conservation; and, implicitly, a little less of all of the sources of energy…