When is ad hominem information relevant to an energy discussion?
While doing a vanity search on Technorati to see if there was anything interesting being said about Atomic Insights, I found a post by a reader who is also a blogger that caught my attention. The title did it – Sticking Up For “Our Man Adams”.
As a pretty vain guy, I had to follow the links to find out what was going on and why Sovietologist thought I needed protection. What I found was a thread that accused me of being pathetic and someone who negated his credibility by resorting to an ad hominem attack on Amory Lovins. I have been having a bit of fun engaging in the give and take on the thread and thought you you might find it amusing – if you happen to get into logic and critical thinking discussions.
Scroll down a ways in the discussion found at http://scienceblogs.com/deltoid/2007/12/mashey_on_moncktonschulte.php. If you do not feel like scrolling, once you click on the link you can just do a “find on this page” for Lovins.
Comments and critiques are welcome.