Staffing the nuclear renaissance
There was a useful article published in the Jun 10, 2007 issue of the St. Pete Times titled Who will staff the nuclear renaissance?. The subtitle of the story should be very encouraging to those hard working young people who have been studying nuclear technology during the past dozen or so years.
Nuclear power’s unlikely revival has left the industry scrambling to fill a demand for qualified professionals.
As frequent readers of Atomic Insights know, it is always good to be a supplier when demand outstrips supply. In this case, if you are a nuclear professional or studying to be one, it is nice to know that employers will be scrambling for your knowledge.
For those former nukes that left the business in the 1980s and 1990s when the prospects did not look so good, perhaps it is time to dust off some of that old knowledge, combine it with the knowledge that you have gained by success in other fields and step back into the nuclear world. No sense in letting the Y generation have all the fun!