Portia Strid's Vision for African Development Based On Nuclear Power
I spoke yesterday to a friend whose daughter has joined the Peace Corps and will be spending the next four years teaching English as a second language to people in Sub-Saharan Africa. He is supportive of her plans, but a bit worried about what her life will be like during that period. Certain insect borne diseases know few boundaries and do not care if you are only a visitor.
With the kind of fortuitous timing that seems to occasionally occur, a friend sent me a link to a video on the same day that offers a vision of a future when that kind of risk acceptance for volunteer service may no longer be necessary. Please invest twenty-two minutes of your time to go and listen to Portia Strid, an impressive young thinker who is originally from Zimbabwe, share her thoughts about The Role of Youth in the Coming Renaissance.
I am bracing myself for those dismissive comments that often arrive immediately after I point to a thought provoking video, article or speech that happens to reside on a site supported by Lyndon LaRouche or his various organizations. However, I have learned to base part of my judgement about thinkers and leaders by the people that they have influenced. If LaRouche can convince people like Portia that he is no “nutter”, then it seems to me that he has passed a very important test of legitimacy.