Leftatomics blog
I was recently introduced to a very new blog titled Left Atomics. Here is how the author described his “voice” in a recent comment on Atomic Insights:
Our job at leftatomics is not to become “industry advocates’ but to stymie opposition to needed construction (and R & D) of base load nuclear projects. We do this from the point of view of the working class and unions, that for either to survive, cleaner and safer forms of energy are needed and only nuclear offers that.
There is only one entry so far on the blog, but you have to read the associated comments. Very interesting read; they should be made into posts of their own so that the indexing bots can find them more easily.
It is always good to see a new pro-nuclear blog starting. Atomic technology is not a right or left political issue – it can contribute mightily to a free enterprise system and it can add immense social value. It can empower villagers who currently have no hope of access to electricity and it can provide the power necessary to operate server farms for the most entrepreneurial new idea in media.