Lancet article about "low dose" radiation cardiac health effects

I will state up front that I am not an expert in human health. I am, however, a student of words and language and must make an observation about an article in the August 30, 2008 issue of The Lancet titled “Can low-dose radiation increase risk of cardiovascular disease?”. For people that read just headlines…

Wind energy food for thought from Morgan Stanley

Today has been a “clean up the office” day. I ran across an old issue of the Wall Street Journal that I had squirreled away, meaning to do something with it. As leafed through the paper, I tried to figure out just why I had saved that particular issue. I realized that it was for…

The Atomic Show #104 – Hyperion Power Generation with John ‘Grizz’ Deal

John ‘Grizz’ Deal is the CEO of Hyperion Power Generation. Rod Adams and John Deal talked about the company’s 27 MWe small nuclear heat source and plans for commercializing the technology. Hyperion Power Generation was formed in 2007 to commercialize a nuclear reactor technology first developed by Otis G. (Pete) Peterson of Los Alamos National…

Clear thinking on the natural progression of energy technology

My friend, David Bradish at NEI Nuclear Notes pointed out a well written essay by Shannon Love on Chicago Boyz titled Fantasy Energy. Here is a sample from that blog: I think it important to emphasize that we would need to move to nuclear energy even if we had an infinite supply of fossil fuels…

PBMR Update – Green Light Given to Graphite Production at SGL Carbon

I have been publishing Atomic Insights since 1995 and have not yet published a press release article. I am going to break that string today. A few minutes ago, I received the following from Tom Ferreira – PBMR Corporate Communications. It is interesting enough to publish directly without editing: Production of graphite feedstock for the…

Freakonomics Discussion on the Delay in Accepting New Technology Like Nuclear Power

Bill Tucker, author of Terrestrial Energy (warning: Terrestrial Energy has a fascinating intro video that plays automatically unless you skip it) has produced a series of posts for the Freakonomics blog hosted by the New York Times. The comments are being moderated – which slows down the conversation, but elevates it to something worth reading….

Depleted Cranium has a Good Discussion Going About Wind Energy Limitations

I encourage you all to visit the active discussion going on at Depleted Cranium about wind energy limitations. Here is a sample: I shouldn’t complain though. I’m glad to see that wind energy is finally getting some of the criticism it deserves in the mainstream media. Just like biofuels started getting called on its various…

Shaw Group Announces Nuclear Component Manufacturing Plant Joint Venture

Shaw Group, which has a 20% ownership stake in Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, has announced a new plant that will build reactor components to be shipped via barge to new construction sites. The plant, destined for Lake Charles, Louisiana, will be a joint venture between Shaw and Westinghouse with about $210 million in assistance spread…

Steve Darden on Seeker Blog – CBO generation cost study

Steve Darden at has some thoughts worth a read in his post titled CBO Study: Nuclear Power’s Role in Generating Electricity. You might also want to visit the Wall Street Journal’s Environmental Capital Blog post titled Going Nuclear: Will Dems Support Nukes To Fight Climate Change?. That one contains some interesting comments that lead…

Atomic Show #103 – PBMR Engineering Contract

Kelly Taylor, Rod Adams and Joe Montague discuss nuclear news, including PBMR’s announced EPC contract Kelly Taylor, Joe Montague and I meet to chat about PBMR, nuclear events and nuclear industry history. Hope you enjoy the show. If you want to find out more about careers in the nuclear industry, please visit Podcast: Play…