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  1. Here in Washington, we miss Bob already. He was President of our local chapter of American Nuclear Society for two back-to- back terms; contribuitor to the local media in letters, opinions and interviews on all nuclear topics as well as in the fight to save the Fast Flux Test Facility (400 MWt sodium cooled fast reactor); and, a race car driver.

    With Bob going back to work, the Atomic Vacation is truely over.

    Happy trails


  2. Great to hear your podcast interview with my old LA ANS friend Bob Bromm. Bob indeed is an excellent representative of the nuclear power industry. His personal growth and efforts to reach out to communicate the benefits of nuclear powered electricity generation through public information and education has been extraordinary. Bob has always remained enthusiastic about the future of nuclear power. He is an excellent leader to advance the design of the “new” era of reactor design & technology.

    Best wishes, Bob…!

    Harry Pemberton

    Newport Beach, California

    September 15, 2007

  3. Congrats Bob: we will miss you on the Team. Keep your eye open for:

    a) Team support if needed anywhere

    b) Nuclear job openings for those in need of some financial support

    You have done a wonerful job in providing pro-nuke activities and it appears you are in a position to continue such. rej

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