Search Results for: fukushima

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SARI Comment on EPA’s ANPR for 40 CFR 190

…were. 2. One of the things the Japanese government did do right after the Fukushima explosions was immediate distribution of protective iodine tablets to inhibit uptake of I-131 in any fallout. As result there have been no excess thyroid cancers reported in Fukushima, and none are anticipated. In contrast, there have been 6,000 thryroid cancers in the Chernobyl effected area since 1986, and “…many of those cancers were most likely caused by rad…

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Galen Winsor asks – Who owns the plutonium? How much is it worth?

…teach us about the minuscule health hazards from the materials released at Fukushima and any future, probably less severe accident. Here is a sample quote: In the 25 years since 1987 there has been no case of cancer due to radiation among those contaminated – none at all. This observation is compared with measurements from Fukushima and elsewhere in the Table below. As shown in the third column the lowest measured internal radioactivity for any ca…

Media’s scant attention to Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company’s spill of 40,000 barrels of crude oil

…e here is that this story is not getting the same coverage in the press as Fukushima, yet the damage is greater, and that you drooling moron, is the real issue here. I know its difficult for you to maintain your attention span for any length of time, but please try to keep your remarks on topic. Daniel Need I remind the fact that still, 9 months after the tsunami, 3,000 workers go about their business every day at Fukushima Daiichi & wearing minim…


NRC lack of planning will increase delays for new reactor licenses

…sional appropriators that they require additional resources to cover large Fukushima-related expenditures that could not have been anticipated at the time that their FY 2011 budget was submitted in 2009 or when their FY 2012 budget was submitted in 2010. The first opportunity that I had to ask the question was in April 2011, during the American Nuclear Society Student Conference in Atlanta, GA. The response at that time was that the NRC had not ye…

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Putting excitement back into nuclear technology development

…ir views are responsible for the radiophobia that led to the evacuation at Fukushima. 1600 people in Fukushima prefecture died from the earthquake and tsunami. No one died from radiation. No one is expected to die from radiation. 1600 people died as a result of the evacuation to protect them from radiation. The anti nuke, LNT advocates are responsible for the death of these people. EL I am pointing to a small … group of funders and geneticists. @R…

Arnie Gundersen tells tall tales to 1600 chiropractors

…reindeer, because they are contaminated. [8:29] Well, where is the core at Fukushima? No one knows. Fukushima is so radioactive and there is so much destruction that we dont have a picture of the core at Fukushima. So it’s left to the imagination where those three nuclear cores might be. But we do know that unlike Chernobyl, and unlike TMI, they are in direct contact with groundwater. I’ll show you a couple of pictures of radioactive releases from…

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Defending hormesis and pointing to economic motives for asserting “no safe dose”

…d a much larger population to radiation levels that warrant screening than Fukushima. Again, lets compare the Fukushima scare with real facts. Speculation people as far as China would be contaminated. Speculation Tokyo was at risk (150Km away). Instead even a 20Km mandatory evac was too much precaution. But we should realize the area was devastated due to the Tsunami. If people were allowed was kinds of emergency reconstruction would be needed. I…

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WIPP and Carlsbad residents will talk

…. “The report noted that Tepco had not made any safety improvements to the Fukushima Daiichi plant since 2002, and had dismissed the possibility of it being hit by a massive tsunami, even though it could not produce supporting data” “It had, for example, insisted that Fukushima Daiichi’s 5.7m seawall was high enough to withstand a tsunami generated by a large quake in the area, despite a warning in 2008 by its own engineers that much bigger waves…

President Obama: We have emission free fuels available NOW.

…stion of opinion but of physics …” It is an educated guess, based on 9/11, Fukushima and basic calcs. Fukushima demonstrated that: – its enough to stop all cooling for a few days – early radio-active contamination of the place prevents installing replacement cooling. A leaking spent fuel pool, high up in the building showed to be a big help as it contaminates the place fast (before the end of the plane fuel fire). – damaged (cooling) pipes is also…


Physics Today Reader’s Forum: Low-dose radiation exposure should not be feared

…df And to Bonds 25 (since my post went missing), when fission products are blown out to sea, it’s my understanding the radiation originating from them gets blown out as well. EL A powerful aftershock could have followed the tsunami, just when the hydrogen explosions occurred. A new volcano could have eru…


Scientific American editors demand perfection from nuclear while letting competitors selling coal, gas, and oil off the hook

…Mark I design used at many BWRs in the US is extremely rugged (as shown at Fukushima). It is highly capable of mitigating some events much better than the larger dry containments used at PWRs. Certainly a larger containment may have been able to absorb the hydrogen excursion seen at Fukushima better than others, however, I doubt that a PWR would have responded as well to the flooding event especially since at many PWRs the Turbine Driven Auxiliary…

Was Arnie Gundersen a Licensed Reactor Operator and Senior VP Nuclear Licensee?

…racks appeared to be intact with little debris visible in the SFP.” It’s only 10 pages, so I think you have time to read it. Rod Adams @John Miller, Ph.D. INPO has released a detailed study that explains why the three reactors melted. It was not an inevitable result of the station blackout, but the result of some specific decisions and actions that could have been different. Had better decision…

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