Search Results for: smoking gun

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Pennsylvania Independent Oil and Gas Association and Marcellus Shale Coalition join antinuclear “citizens group”

…like the high-quality, emission free-product that it is. It qualifies as a smoking gun because it openly lists a couple of trade groups representing competitive suppliers with a strong interest in permanently driving nuclear generators out of the market. Citizens Against Nuclear Bailouts said Tuesday it stands in opposition to “any legislative effort to require consumers to pay higher energy rates to bail out an uncompetitive nuclear energy indust…

Investment Bankers Versus Engineers as Decision Makers – Response to Jerry Taylor of Cato Institute

…titute paid me the compliment of responding to a post that I labeled as a “smoking gun”. I gave the post that label since it provided an example of a man with evident ties to the fossil fuel industry working to discourage the use of nuclear energy. His post was published on MasterResource: a free-market energy blog under the title of Atomic Dreams (Nuclear power not ready for prime U.S. time) I promised a few days ago that I would produce a respon…

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Rockefeller Foundation’s hefty influence on education. Propagating fears about health effect of low dose radiation

…hat all radiation, down to the lowest possible dose, was dangerous. It’s a smoking gun. Of course the figures in this drama also recognized that there were benefits to be realized, but they openly declared that the power needed to be tightly controlled. The strong underlying implication was that “they”, people like them, and people trained (indoctrinated) by them should be the only ones entrusted with the control. It should be noted that the Rocke…

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Stanford’s University’s New Natural Gas Initiative

…t provides a healthy return on investment. I’ve categorized this post as a smoking gun. There is no doubt that Stanford’s interest in promoting its natural gas expertise, research, and educational efforts would be hampered if it admitted an easily proved fact: nuclear energy has numerous advantages over natural gas in a variety of applications, especially in producing large quantities of electricity from stationary power stations with an ultra low…

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Following the money: who’s funding Stanford’s Natural Gas Initative

…r companies with an interest in promoting the expanded use of natural gas. Smoking gun cases built on deductive logic don’t satisfy most people, so I continued my evidence gathering by writing to the contact listed in the press release announcing the first Natural Gas Initiative symposium. May 30, 2015 Dear Mr. Golden: I’m working on a piece about Stanford’s new Natural Gas Initiative. Can you help me find the pages on your web site that identify…

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Stanford climate scientists promote 100% renewable revolution using natural gas money

…manifest by government means. OK – I’ll go back and look at the many many smoking gun posts again to become a believer. Ed Leaver Hmmm… perhaps a bit restrictive. I’d hope an academic paper would stand or fall upon its own merits, rather than it’s authors’. John ONeill Rod, I skimmed your link to the Stanford divestment petition, and there was not a word about nuclear, either for or against. I’m a bit concerned about your call ( on your last th…

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Civil disobedience might be needed to overcome illogical EPA limits on radiation

…as a NYT article the other day about Fukushima that for once did not quote Gundersen, Lochbaum, Lyman or one of the other usual anti-nuclear crusaders that are on every energy reporter’s speed dial. The article still had its sky-is-falling moments. However it was the first time in over two years I haven’t seen the one of the usual cadre of anti-nuclear crusaders quoted which means they did not get airtime to push their agenda. Another example was…

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Deeply troubled by FitzPatrick and Pilgrim announcements. We need their clean electricity production to continue

…ot more mileage (i.e., cause far more deaths) by just getting some machine guns and attacking a high school. Jim – Why do you need a group? Why do you need machine guns? All it takes is one sociopath suffering from Asperger syndrome to walk into a school with a small-caliber, semi-automatic rifle. “Gun free zone,” you know. poa “Number of COL applications submitted under G.W. Bush: 26” How many were approved under GWB? mjd And 3, the people respon…

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What should “Radioactive Wolves” teach critical thinkers?

…esolved confounding factors on an individual basis. After “correcting” for smoking, Cohen jumps to social-economic variables as possible confounders (based on county averages, not deceased individuals). He “impresses” us with 54 of these variables and may expand to a couple of hundred. But it won’t matter, because garbage in will yield garbage out, regardless of his quixotic manipulations of the SEV’s. This is theatre intended to appear as if he’s…

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Ted Rockwell shared knowledge to combat Fukushima fears

…radioactive illness due to uptake of uranium from soils by tabaco plants, smoking and radon gas inhalation is a definate no no for good health. I am however sceptical over issues like global warming and I personally don’t like the nuclear camp to claim they are being helpful in this issue. The amount of energy expended over a lifetime in building running and decommissioning a nuclear power station is considerable and will probably come from fossi…

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Least informed piece on Fukushima yet

…every day known risks that people consider acceptable – eg driving a car, smoking, living downstream of an industrial complex. The comparisons should be in everyday terms they can comprehend. Eg “in this room we have 100 people, nn will die from cancer caused by smoking cigarettes; nn will be injured in an industrial accident; nn will be injured in a car accident; nn will die from a car accident.” I would also be encouraging public visits to nucl…


Science has falsified the “no safe dose” hypothesis about radiation. Now what?

…rs may be involved with this (general health condition, activity, obesity, smoking prevalence, age of population, socio-economic factors, etc.). As I have been specifically, clearly, and consistently arguing. Here is what I said: “Lung cancer is greater than the state average in Pueblo, and yes the general public in the US does not appear to be as healthy as the general public in Pueblo County or Colorado (as a whole). If you want to make a case t…

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