Search Results for: fukushima

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Crash course in outrage management

…ritten before Fukushima. I grant you that there aren’t a lot of documented Fukushima deaths; that the principal health impacts of Fukushima so far are psychological; that arguably unnecessary evacuation exacerbated the damage. (So did government and industry dishonesty.) Still, Fukushima was a watershed. Three Mile Island really did little or no harm; Chernobyl happened in what was essentially a developing country with primitive safety precautions…

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The Left Needs to Reconsider its Automatic Position Against Nuclear Energy

…sively raised his estimates of the number of cancers that will result from Fukushima’s meltdown after the quake and tsunami from a few hundred thousand to, again, the round figure of a million. In this case, however, virtually the entire communities engaged in radiation protection, radiology, or health physics agree that either zero excess cancers will arise from Fukushima, or at worst the number will be undetectable against the background of canc…


Why does anyone trust Robert Alvarez’s opinions about nuclear energy?

…GE-Hitachin ESBWR which is an evolved, advanced version of the reactors at Fukushima, which adds a lot more safety), would be much safer still than the Fukushima reactors, and we have Gen IV reactors on the horizon, like the Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor, which can be made very nearly disaster-proof (not so much that disasters can’t happen, but that when they happen, there’s essentially no way that it can become a bad problem – seriously, go spe…

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Atomic Show #231 – Grandparents for nuclear energy

…ation, and it has many short comings. SOARCA is only applicable in the US. Fukushima did not turn out like SOARCA predicts – Fukushima disaster did not take long for fuel melting, hydrogen explosions, containment failures, and release of large quantities of radiation. The NRC regulates NPPs for public and worker safety – not just for radiation. All you need to do is read the laws that govern NRC. jaagu @Will Boisvert Thanks for bringing this to my…

Climate change discussion by politicians. Brought to you by BP.
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Nader’s nuclear blind spot

…ry and another 90,000 left voluntarily. All but 89,000 have returned. (See Fukushima Accident Update March 9, 2014.) Nader: …many of the reactors are just like the Fukushima reactor designs, by the way, and they are near earthquake faults. Now, the Indian Point reactors, two of them, they’re aging. That phrasing seems designed to imply that there is some similarity between the reactors at Fukushima and those at Indian Point. The reactor technologi…


NNadir discusses competence of Japanese reactor builders

…at the antinuclear opposition is spooling up to try to link Hiroshima with Fukushima. As he notes, however, it has been 137 days since Fukushima meltdown, and there are still zero casualties from radiation exposure. There is little relationship between a bomb dropped during a war that ended more than 65 years ago and a casualty that happened at a power station rattled by a very large earthquake, struck by a 14-meter tsunami and hit a complete powe…

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Barbara Boxer berates NRC commissioners

…n were hit by the 20 meter high tsunami and Richter 9 earthquake, Onagawa, Fukushima I, Fukushima II and Tokai II. The most strongly hit one was Onagawa, which handled it with almost no damages. This means that the accident at Fukushima I was not an inevitable fate, but something that could perfectly well have been avoided, if better protection mechanism or a better organization for disaster recovery had been in place there. Something that the oth…


NRC Professional Staff Brief – “Very Good News” Unit 4 Pool Never Dry

…said newly obtained video shows that the spent fuel pool at Unit 4 at the Fukushima Dai-ichi complex probably did not go dry, as Jaczko had insisted in March. Bill Borchardt, the NRC’s executive director for operations, said U.S. officials welcomed the video evidence as “good news” and one indication that the meltdown at the Fukushima plant’s Unit 4 reactor “may not have been as serious as was believed.” Though I have no way of knowing exactly wh…


Mangano and Sherman have released another bogus study seeking to scare people about radiation

…cientific American Observations blog at Researchers Trumpet Another Flawed Fukushima Death Study and on NEI Nuclear Notes at Joseph Mangano Contradicts His Own Press Release on Fukushima Research. Though competitive debaters may be taught to shy away from attacks on the credibility of their opponents, one of the primary tenants of scientific inquiry is that researchers must strive to maintain their credibility so that others can trust their work….

Performance of old nuclear plants in Japan demonstrates why much of current regulatory structure is overkill

…s-fight-fires-search-survivors.html Note especially the crushed train from Fukushima, the place of the nuclear plant- Jerry “A dam in the Fukushima prefecture of Japan was breached following the recent earthquake and tsunamis which have devastated the country. According to media reports, the dam broke on Friday, with a wall of water washing away 1800 homes downstream. So far, 1597 people have been confirmed dead in the aftermath of the 8.9-magnitu…

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Dr. Kiyohiko Sakamoto – Low Dose Radiation Used as Cancer Treatment

…You might want to read Ted Rockwell’s guest post titled Let the People of Fukushima Go Home and Get Back to Work. By all means, everyone should stay out of the basement of the damaged power plants – except for possibly very short, well monitored inspection visits. Everyone who is not a radiation trained nuclear worker should stay outside of the plant…

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Message is reaching the public – radiation risks have been greatly exaggerated

…are directly comparable. RRMeyer Another small nit with the comparison of Fukushima releases with the radioactivity of the ocean. The 520PBq number for Fukushima contains all the short-lived stuff like 131I which is long gone. Would be worth mentioning how much of the 520PBq is still there after 4 years, and how little will be left after 100 years. Graeme Thanks for the suggestions, RRMeyer. I certainly didn’t really think about the actual path l…

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