Search Results for: tritium

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Miscommunications Are Frequent in Human Discourse – Sometimes They Become Intentional Weapons

…itoring well installed and maintained by Entergy indicated the presence of tritium, a weakly radioactive isotope of hydrogen that is produced when water is exposed to a neutron flux inside an operating nuclear reactor. The discovery of an above normal concentration of tritium in the groundwater started a search for the source, but it also started a media controversy pushed by activists and politicans who want to force Vermont Yankee to shut down….

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The Atomic Show #149 – Pro-Nuclear Bloggers Reaction to SOTU

…t of time talking about Vermont Yankee and the incredibly tiny quantity of tritium that has people demanding a full investigation and possibly a plant shutdown because someone found 0.000000029 curies/liter of tritium, an amount that would have a mass of just 0.0000000000029 grams distributed in 1000 grams of water. This is the largest panel yet invited to an Atomic Show, but I think that the guests did a fine job of taking turns and sharing infor…

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Is Arnie Gundersen Devious or Dumb? (Or is He Simply a Professional Fear-Monger?)

…was the source of the leak. He offered no recognition of the fact that the tritium levels measured were not harming anyone. His wife tried to make the case that the tritium was already “in the river” and that it would shut down the sport fishing industry in Massachusetts and Connecticut, the states downstream from Vermont Yankee. Here is my answer to the title question of this blog entry. Gundersen is not dumb; you cannot earn an MS in nuclear eng…

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Atomic Show #229 – Leslie Dewan and Mark Massie, Transatomic Power

…ideration, not engineering. The EPA seems inclined to get even stricter on tritium release, despite the utter lack of evidence that tritium poses any biological threat whatsoever. It’s a low energy alpha emitter, you could vent it freely and it will simply exit the atmosphere. Rod Adams @Casey Nothing major is going to happen with new nuclear within the remaining time of the current administration. That is not making any particular political state…

A Nuclear Plant With Small Leaks Puts Less Radioactive Material Into the Human Environment Than Drilling for Natural Gas

…lly hazardous merely because it is possible to detect a moderate amount of tritium on the plant site that appears likely to have come from degraded or cracked piping systems. Shutting down those plants will increase the demand for natural gas, and that increased demand might be supplied by increased drilling activity in tight gas formations like the Marcellus Shale. Though nuclear plants certainly contain far more radioactive material than natural…

Science Friday Segment on Innovative New Nuclear Projects – Including Mini Nuclear Power Plants Like Hyperion

…older plants in the United States with underground pipes that are leaking tritium, with the most recent instance occurring at Vermont Yankee: Scott Burnell: Ira, I can certainly respond to that. There have been 27 instances where there has been ground water contamination involving tritium. They are not all ongoing. (Emphasis added.) In the case of Vermont Yankee, the situation on the ground there is that the contamination is not reaching any drin…

Vermont Senate President Peter Shumlin Caught Lying to the American People on Fox News

…est thing he’s got to emphasize as he plays to the crowd are the leaks of “tritium and cobalt” that are, according to him, ongoing. He mentions this at least seven times in the interview. If the tritium leak is stopped, he’s not going to be able to beat that drum for the rest of time. When he talked about the problems he had with VY the first thing he named was “price”, because it isn’t only the reactor license to operate that needs renewing. The…

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Fission Fans Should Unite – Target Of Interest Is Fossil Fuel Market Share

…out $30,000 per kilogram HEU. (LFTR, PACER, and IFR produce the U-233 (and Tritium) fuel they need to operate as they run, while LWRs do not). A PACER device, beside the fissile for the primary, requires about 2 grams of Tritium and 1 gram of Deuterium. Comparative Waste Generation from Electricity Production while producing 1 GWe of electrical energy for 1 year Coal Fossil Fuel in a 1GWe Coal Fired Power Plant Coal Energy Density: 2.9 x 10^7 J/kg…


A whole lot of fissioning going on – Nuclear Power by Amelia Frahm

…tional source of neutrons from fusion. One neutron still produces just one tritium, and the production of each tritium requires a neutron, which does not allow for any absorptiom in other materials or leakage out of the system. In the bomb situation, there was a rich source of neutrons from the initiating fission device. Joel Riddle I meant in terms of concern about material compatibility and such. 150 million F (aka 150,000,460 Rankine) would ins…

How Hot is Cold Fusion?
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How Hot is Cold Fusion?

…direct interactions of two distinct bodies (such as between deuterium and tritium for fusion, and between uranium and a neutron in fission), research had shown that LENR involved complex mult-body interactions, which could occur with a variety of metals such as nickel, steel, or palladium in the presence of deuterium or tritium but which may also include quarks, photons, protons, neutrons or pomerons. To further complicate the matter, it is clear…

Hormesis – Low Doses of Most "Poisons" Can Be Beneficial

…d not worry about coming in contact with bacteria, mercury, lead, arsenic, tritium, radon, or pesticides if they were present in quantities that made them impossible to detect. Sometimes that inability to measure caused some dangerous situations because the substances, even though they could not be measured with the technology available at the time, were present in high enough quantities to harm humans and other living creatures. Devising methods…

The Atomic Show #005 (MP3 – 13.9MB – 40min)

…ct incidents by doing so. Anyway, I thought of a way to combat that FUD… Tritium is very valuable and they certainly wouldn’t leak it out intentionally. It’s not like in the movies where the big bad corporation is looking for ways to dump their toxic waste illegally. Also, Tritium is naturally occuring due to cosmic rays, as well as natural nuclear decay, etc. Also, Shane mentioned the stuff isn’t particularly dangerous either. Speaking of natur…

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