Search Results for: "amory lovins"

Rant about Lovins hero worship by NRDC

…r a day from New Mexico, for instance, she could have spent some time with Amory Lovins, director of the Rocky Mountain Institute and longtime advocate of a different energy path. As charismatic in his way as Anderson is (though not as laconic), Lovins has been working with myriad Fortune 500 companies (and the Department of Defense) in recent years to plot a very different energy future. Instead of promoting the massive and centralized power syst…

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Corporate environmental contributions: Greenwashing or worse?

…ablo Canyon in the prime of its life. Not surprisingly, there are pundits (Amory Lovins, for example) who adamantly deny there was any commercial intent involved. I’m not alleging that all parties involved in the deal, especially the rank and file members of any of the listed organizations, understand all of the implications, but Forbes readers should understand how the profit motive can lead to strategic partnerships and lucrative deals. Of cours…

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Richard Muller is marketing natural gas in a “converted skeptic” costume

…and funding sources. I found something else that Muller has in common with Amory Lovins. They both receive a large portion of their funds from the oil and gas industry or from individuals who make their money from the business of financing, finding, extracting, transporting, refining and distributing hydrocarbon based fuels to a worldwide market that exceeds three trillion dollars per year. As Amory Lovins told Amy Goodman during a July 16, 2008 D…

Hard to Believe Story About TMI Radiation and Health Effects

…environment/ You guys voted that man in, and he will cater to the likes of Amory Lovins. You deserve what you got, but our grandchildren don’t deserve your choices. Richard Batty Obama is a smart politician. He will use people like Amory Lovins to get the support of voters. He also knows that he has to do what is right to be successful in the long term. We need to continue to educate the people. Axil “I will remind everyone that the Obama energy p…

Lovins math continues to confuse me

Amory Lovins – that “Oxford educated physicist” – continues to confuse me with his mathematical manipulations. (If you want to understand the reasons for the quotes around the description, see Amory Lovins’s Academic Career.) According to an October 22nd article in the Toronto Star titled Lovins Q&A , Lovins has claimed that 16 percent is four times as much as 16 percent. Here is the quote: But more interesting is market share — micropower provid…

Lovins and His Nuclear Blindness – Great series on NEI Nuclear Notes

…. What really gets my goat is the praise and near worship that he has received by members of the establishment, including people who work for the same employer as I do, who should dig a bit deeper into what he really says. David has done just that in the following series: Amory Lovins and His Nuclear Illusion – Part One (The Art of Deception) Amory Lovins and His Nuclear Illusion – Part Two (Big Plants vs. Small Plants) Amory Lovins and His Nuclea…

Michael Grunwald Thinks Lovins Is A Guru And Believes Nuclear Is Too Expensive To Matter – He's Wrong

…his type of language is what tells me that people who follow the advice of Amory Lovins are either illogical, uninformed, or possibly just happy with the way that fossil fuel dominates the world’s energy markets. Lovins has been very successful for thirty years by seducing people into believing that energy conservation is an easy and painless path to a nirvana where we have all the energy we “need” and where the energy that we do use does not do m…

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David MacKay asks his audience to use arithmetic to understand energy challenges

After posting a couple of videos with Amory Lovins providing his energy mirage, several commenters indicated they would like to hear and see a different point of view. Unlike Amory, David MacKay is a physicist who likes to use real numbers and simple arithmetic to illustrate the scale of the challenge of replacing the power that human society has given its members through the action of digging up the energy stored by natural processes over millio…

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Saving the environment from Environmentalism Part II

…lism as we know it today: E.F Schumacher in Small is Beautiful (1973), and Amory Lovins, in a 1976 essay in Foreign Affairs: Energy Strategy: The Road Not Taken. [4] After spending time in Burma and India, Schumacher had concluded people in those societies were happier and more fulfilled without the infrastructure of modern industrialism. He urged solutions that would mirror these virtues which necessarily meant a complete rethinking of the ways w…

Response to New York Times Question – Has Trust Leaked Away With the Tritium

…on process is slow at NY Times, here is a copy of my comment: Paxus wrote “Amory Lovins has done an excellent job of deconstructing the climate economics of nuclear power at” Is that the same Amory Lovins who predicted in a 1976 paper that there would be no electricity being produced by nuclear power plants in the the United States after 2000 and in the same paper advocated for a doubling of coal consumption? He was way w…

Resume Inflation Can Skew Discussion and Lead to Bad Decisions

…st your sources since the issues can be terribly complicated. The first is Amory Lovins, the founder of the Rocky Mountain Institute. His organization’s web page continues to describe him as follows: “Amory B. Lovins, Cofounder, Chairman, and Chief Scientist, is a consultant experimental physicist educated at Harvard and Oxford.” It continues by listing a whole raft of honorary degrees and one designation – Oxford MA (by virtue of being a don) – t…

The Nuclear Elephant in the Room When a Clean Energy Future is Discussed

…ransition off of natural gas at the same time. And here is a passage where Amory Lovins is the speaker: Well, the President made two very interesting shifts in language in his speech. One is from just oil to talking about ending the addiction to fossil fuels, so that refers also to coal and ultimately, indeed, to natural gas. And second, he started a very interesting exercise in consensus building, because he pointed out that this has cost — our d…

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