Search Results for: holdren

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Atomic Insights Radar July 20-26 2014

…listening to the advice of Holdren. This could easily just be t he work of Holdren misleading Obama. I mention this, not because I want to defend Obama, but because if that is the case, there is some hope, that if someone with the money and power to get some face time with Obama (cough, NEI, cough), perhaps they could explain exactly how harmful Holdren‘s advice has been to the nuclear industry that Obama claims to favor. EL He wanted to be renomi…

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PBS Newshour teases NOVA’s Nuclear Option

…Sour grapes. The EBR-II passed the tests for safety. David B. Benson John Holdren was one of Clinton’s science advisors and strongly advised killing the IFR deployment test on proliferation grounds. He should have known that this was impossible. See “Plentiful Energy” by Till & Chang for a technical description of the EBR-II but not the politics. Engineer-Poet Hazel O’Leary was a big part of this. Davi…

Who fights energy abundance? Why?

…wable (unreliable) only grid actually work. Jeff Walther Don’t forget John Holdren. I suspect that he is directly or indirectly responsible for all of the backwards movement we’ve seen in this administration. Obama just doesn’t strike me as a person who actually has even an incorrect understanding of the technical details. Is suspect he’s letting Holdren suggest these horrible nominees and appointees. poa “It is a shame Palestinian women and child…

Sierra Club, Shell Oil, Cato, RMI, Exelon and ExxonMobil All Agree – Just Do Without So We Do Not Build Any Disruptive New Capacity

…th each technological innovation since man had a brain. But since “John P. Holdren is advisor to President Barack Obama for Science and Technology, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and Co-Chair of the President George Carty I think the T needs to move downstairs 🙂 donb Rod Adams wrote: I’m going to go out on a limb – I oppose energy efficiency programs that are marketed as a source of new energy. I feel the sam…

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Giant new cover for Chernobyl is an engineering marvel – and a monumental waste of money

…ly ignoant on the topic and relies on his advisors for actual policy. With Holdren as his “Science” advisor, we get positive speechifying and negative action. He probably even believes that Holdren‘s advice is pro-nuclear. Bonds 25 Technically, the reactors that experienced core damage at Fukushima were Boiling Water Reactors, not Pressurized Water Reactors. This detail overall has zero to do with your comment……which I totally agree with. It’s…

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NYAS used as part of campaign to increase unwarranted fear about radiation

…anti-nuclear and Malthusian. The current Presidential Science Advisor John Holdren is a prominent case in point. I have posted this link previously, but I’m doing it again because I think it is an effective counter to the NYAS/Greenpeace report, written by a member and past chair of UNSCEAR, Zbigniew Jaworowski: “Observations on Chernobyl After 25 Years of Radiophobia”:…

Is Bill McKibben really serious about climate change?
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Is Bill McKibben really serious about climate change?

…d their position in this administration, e.g., Paul R. Ehrlich and John P. Holdren. Engineer-Poet I remain suspicious that the people at the very top of environmental organizations know exactly where their money comes from and have been informed – in many subtle and no so subtle ways – that the spigot will slam shut if they change their tune about nuclear energy. That is exactly what happened to the Sierra Club on the issue of immigration; the ope…


Atomic Show #250 – Being nice nukes

…of genetic engineering technology, another one of the technologies on which Oreskes appears to be a modern day Luddite. She seems to me like the Carsons, Ehrlics and Holdrens of this world, another Chicken Little which unfortunately has a lot of traction with people who do not like to go into much details, and drink negative propaganda on a daily bases. What a shame. Luca Bertagno…

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The Atomic Show #52 – Climate change controversy

…he said, or “climate disruption” as Obama’s chief scientific advisor John Holdren prefers to say. One thing I find very convincing is something like the Joint Science Academies statement handed this year to each head of state attending the G8. Its only two pages long. Take a look at the signatures. These are: National Academy of Sciences, United States of America Chinese Academy o…


Personal paradigm changing discoveries in progress – are petroleum and methane primal compounds?

…eclare there is no safe dose of radiation also supported Paul Erlich, John Holdren and other Malthusians that preached about limitations to growth and the need to control populations to avoid resource wars. I just learned today that same funding source gave Farrington Daniels, one of the few Manhattan Project leaders truly focused on using atomic energy for peaceful uses starting in about 1944, $630 K from 1954-1963 to study and promote solar ener…

Fortune Magazine's Brainstorm Green – In nuclear energy, smaller is better

…rectly and make few changes as time goes on. Of course, that does not always make the design engineers happy – they LIKE to change things. DocForesight @Brian — According to John Holdren, it’s known as “Global Climate Disruption”. Covers all contingencies, you see? katana0182 (Dave) You have a point. Water at 640…

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Opportunity to use science to establish radiation standards

…body says anything, nuclear should have the same privilege. As for John P. Holdren, write emails to the president. Asteroid Miner Keep this book on prominent display: “Radiation and Reason, The impact of Science on a culture of fear” by Wade Allison. 2009. [The Wade Allison in England, not the other Wade Allison at Harvard.] Professor Allison says we can take up to 10 REMs per month, a little more than 1000 times…

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