Search Results for: "amory lovins"

Economist Article on Amory Lovins – Important Point of View from a Establishment Media Outlet

One of the reasons that I write so often about Amory Lovins is that I believe that the man is a danger to the health and prosperity of billions of people. His views, if accepted, would put the world into a precarious position with less access to clean water, healthy food and reliable electrical power. Unfortunately, he has a great PR department that helps him gain access to the halls of the Pentagon and to feature articles in important publicatio…

Challenging Amory Lovins Critique of Stewart Brand's Support For Nuclear On Gristmill

…acts and Logic. As a long time skeptic when it comes to words published by Amory Lovins on the topic of nuclear energy and its economic competitiveness, I thought I could add some value to the discussion. Steve Kirsch, the guest author of a recent post at Brave New Climate titled The Integral Fast Reactor had also contributed to the fray. The discussion got really interesting when Mr. Lovins joined in with a number of responsive posts directly cri…

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Amory Lovins Cheers Diablo Destruction Deal

Amory Lovins has once again chosen to publicly display his incredibly creative math skills. This time he is claiming that closing and destroying Diablo Canyon, a well-run and nicely situated nuclear power plant, 20 to 40 years before it has completed its useful life will reduce CO2 emissions and save money. His latest example of arithmetic artistry (aka handwaving baloney) is titled His Closing Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant Will Save Money And Carb…

I owe Amory Lovins an apology

Amory Lovins gave a talk at the Three Mile Island 35th Anniversary Symposium: The Past, Present, and Future of Nuclear Energy hosted by the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College. As part of his talk he pointed to Denmark as a prime example of a country that has successfully integrated a large portion of renewable energy. I interrupted him and said that sure, but Denmark also has the most expensive electricity in Europe. He informed me…

Open Letter to an Amory Lovins Disciple

…everal days ago, I blogged about an article in The Economist that profiled Amory Lovins and talked about his “frugal” vision for the world’s energy supply system. In the thread of comments attached to that post a reader named Gordon provided commentary indicating that he was a true believer in the “soft energy path” that Lovins has been advocating for nearly 40 years. In response, I got rather verbose and provided a lot of links – so many that my…


Quick teaser – check back for a story about Amory Lovins and his continued purposeful deceptions

…, but I need to point out that Amy Goodman at interviewed Amory Lovins on July 16. He was once again introduced as the “Chief Scientist” of Rocky Mountain Instituted and he once again went through his standard litany of deceptions including a denial that nuclear can reduce oil consumption, a description of micro power that ignores the fact that most of what meets his classification are diesel engines and gas turbines running on si…

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Potentially huge news – Branson’s Carbon War Room merging with Lovins’s Rocky Mountain Institute

…s ago and never got around to publishing. My love – hate relationship with Amory Lovins’s energy prescriptions Amory Lovins has been a prominent participant in the energy strategy community for nearly 40 years. He first achieved international prominence when Foreign Affairs, an influential magazine for policy wonks, chose to publish Energy Strategy: The Road Not Taken. Ever since that article was published, which happened in the late stages of one…


Crowd sourced analysis of a Lovins sales pitch

…s about. Some of you might believe that I have already focused too much on Amory Lovins. Some readers have told me that they believe he has marginalized himself and is not a major factor anymore. I believe it is dangerous to underestimate his reach and his influence on the thinking that is shaping our national energy actions. We need to encourage people to dissect his plans, understand the fallacious arguments, and recognize the hazard of followin…

Trevor Findlay, an Amory Lovins Clone, Talks About the Future of Nuclear Energy With a Skeptical Journalist

…urity and Nonproliferation. The report could just as easily have come from Amory Lovins’s Rocky Mountain Institute; it has a lot in common with that organization’s 2008 report titled The Nuclear Illusion. Though it would be worthwhile to take the time to watch the whole interview and watch Steve Paikin’s body language and facial expressions as he asks reasonably probing questions, here is a quote from a key part of the discussion: Steve Paikin: I…

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Armond Cohen: Looks at Lovins’s claims with questioning analysis

A few hours ago, I posted a blog titled Amory Lovins-speak: Three misleading statements in a 15 second sound bite. That post included a video embed of Lovins presentation during a March 28, 2014 symposium sponsored by the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth titled Three Mile Island 35th Anniversary Symposium: The Past, Present, and Future of Nuclear Energy. That talk was followed — after a break — by the following panel discussion. If you d…

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Smoking gun: Robert Anderson provided initial funds to form Friends of the Earth

…ergy program compatible with the environment”. (The Plowboy Interview with Amory Lovins: Plowboy interviews Amory Lovins the author of the 1976 essay, “Energy Strategy: The Road Not Taken?” By the Mother Earth News editors November/December 1977.) That quote provides support for the deduction that Lovins’s reputation profited from a well-orchestrated public relations campaign. It takes money and skilled PR talent to use a 10,000 word essay from a…

Warren Buffett versus Amory Lovins

An article from the June 23, 2005 edition of Forbes Magazine was titled Buffett Still Power Hungry. Here is a quote from that article: Buffett also said that Berkshire is looking at new-generation nuclear power plants with an “open mind.” While Buffett has spoken positively about the utility and pipeline segments of the energy business for several years now, this is the first time we’ve seen him comment on nuclear plants. In his article Security…

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