Nuclear Supplier's Group (NSG) approves sales to India – next step is up to US Congress
Dan Yurman at Idaho Samizdat has a full series of very informative posts about the tension filled effort to get full concurrence from the 45 member Nuclear Supplier’s Group – an organization of the countries that export nuclear related goods and services – to allow sales to India, the world’s most populous democracy. It is also one of the largest potential markets for new power systems since much of its large population has little or no access to reliable electricity.
I highly recommend a visit to his September 6, 2008 post titled Nuclear Suppliers Group approves India deal. If you want more background, just visit his blog and browse through his excellent anthology of related articles.
It would be a huge step in the right direction if the US Congress manages to get its act together before the fall elections and passes the legislation needed to allow US nuclear fuel, service, and component manufacturing companies like GE, Shaw Group, USEC, and McDermott to participate in the negotiations that are already starting.
In business activities, time is money and there is no possible benefit to restricting American companies from participating in an important endeavor. The negotiated agreement is a good one with plenty of important safeguards that opens the door for the other 44 members of the NSG to a potentially lucrative opportunity.