Energy Solutions of Utah – fast growing provider of nuclear services
The US nuclear industry landscape is changing into something far more dynamic as more people and organizations realize the value of assets and knowledge focused on clean, safe, abundant nuclear energy.
I recently learned about Energy Solutions a company that was formed in 2006 by merging together a number of existing companies in the business of managing, transporting and storing radioactive materials. Since its organization, the company has been on an acquisition tear, buy up a number of smaller players in similar and associated businesses.
I have to like a company where the leader is described in the following manner:
Creamer, president of Energy Solutions of Utah, is convinced nuclear power can solve the world’s energy needs. And he says Barnwell County’s landfill is important to nuclear power’s resurgence.
If you want to read a good description of Energy Solutions’s plans and activities, I highly recommend visiting Nuclear firm has big plan for state:
Energy Solutions wins contracts all across S.C., U.S..
I think I need to figure out how to get in touch with Mr. Creamer and interview him for The Atomic Show