Search Results for: Jerry Taylor Cato

Cooperative Effort is Required to Build Large New Nuclear Power Plants and Allow Those Projects to Create Jobs

…ates, I am merely trying to point out the slightly amusing situation where Jerry Taylor of Cato and Tom Cochran of NRDC end up sounding the same, even though they are traditionally from opposite ends of the political spectrum. You and others still disagree with me, but I maintain that the best logical explanation for that seeming contradiction is that both CATO and NRDC have supporters who have no real ideology other than maintaining the wealth an…

Investment Bankers Versus Engineers as Decision Makers – Response to Jerry Taylor of Cato Institute

…and equal opportunity, I cannot. Update: (Posted April 14, 2010 at 05:46) Jerry Taylor has responded to the comments added to his initial Atomic Dreams post – “Atomic Dreams”: Response to Critics (why not a market test for nuclear too?). The new one is dated April 14, 2010, so it must have appeared in the past few hours, but it was not written in response to the above commentary. Additional reading New York Times April 17, 2010 – For Goldman, a B…


Jerry Taylor of Cato Institute – Fires Back at My "Smoking Gun" Accusation That He is Opposed To Nuclear Energy BECAUSE He Prefers Natural Gas

…time to produce a detailed and well-referenced rebuttal to my post titled Jerry Taylor, a Fellow at the Cato Institute, founded by a Koch, Focuses Libertarian Rhetoric Against Nuclear But Ignores Natural Gas Subsidies. Here is the comment that I posted in response: Mr. Taylor – Thank you for taking the time to produce an interesting and well referenced rebuttal to my smoking gun post. It deserves an additional response, and I promise to produce t…

Smoking Gun – Jerry Taylor, a Fellow at the Cato Institute, founded by a Koch, Focuses Libertarian Rhetoric Against Nuclear, but Ignores Natural Gas Subsidies

Jerry Taylor of the Cato Institute, a self proclaimed libertarian think tank, recently visited Fox Business to explain his opposition to nuclear energy. The episode was on the Stossel Show and is called Nuclear Power: Republican Junk Economics?. If you listen really closely, you will hear him using almost exactly the same words about government involvement in the industry that Amory Lovins uses. He claims that private investors will not spend “a…

Follow up on Conversation With Cato’s Jerry Taylor – Reactions from a Heritage Foundation Fellow

…ate. I am a daily reader of Atomic Insights. Actually, I do not agree with Jerry Taylor on this. My position has always been that the government should not be in the picking energy sources business. So whether we should use nuclear energy or natural gas should be decided by the market. With that said, I believe that clean, affordable nuclear energy is critical to the future of the nation. Jerry basically assumes nuclear is inherently expensive and…

Graph of Electricity Production Costs

Twitter conversation about energy sources and free market

…gy Strategy and Policy for the UCS posted the following on Twitter. Cato’s Jerry Taylor takes #nuclear power 2 the free market woodshed. Ouch! Forbes. He repeated that tweet with a better link and called Taylor’s opinion piece a “must read”. The article that Alan was recommending is titled Nuclear Power In The Dock: Nuclear power quite simply doesn’t make economic sense. Here is a representative quote from that Alan Nogee-recommended article (I al…

Senior Fellows from the Cato Institute – a conservative think tank – cheer the No Nukes crowd

…against new nuclear plants, they’re our friends. According to the authors, Jerry Taylor and Peter Van Doren, the ONLY reason why there is any interest in new nuclear power plants is that there are some federal subsidies and policies either proposed or in place that encourage the industry. They assert that no investor would be interested without those policies because they believe there is a fundamental price disadvantage that nuclear power cannot…

William Tucker vs Jerry Taylor – Is Nuclear Power a Good Investment or a Risky Business Dependent on Government Subsidy?

…h their feet (hence I have titled my forthcoming book Terrestrial Energy). Jerry Taylor, the man on the opposite side of this debate, is not an environmentalist or a leftist, he is from the Cato Institute, an organization that bills itself as a defender of limited government, free markets, individual liberty and peace. His opinion of nuclear power is that it is a risky investment that takes too long to begin paying off for investors, especially be…

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Nuclear proponent versus free market advocate for natural gas

…mpetitive” cost of nuclear energy, when a free market advocate like you or Jerry Taylor refuses to admit or address the massive cost burden imposed by layer upon layer of regulations that have nothing to do with safety, I become very suspicious. Sure, let’s compete on a level playing field – allow nuclear energy to adhere to the same safety standards as its competition. One more thing – what is the longest term gas future available on the market t…

DOE Signing What May be the Only Nuclear Loan Guarantee

…conomy. I’ve even published debates with “fiscal conservatives” like Jerry Taylor of Cato. In fact, I believe that a fair number of organized opponents get their funds from sources that can be traced to the hydrocarbon industry. Actually, I suppose that is a bit unfair; it is hard to find any funds at all in an industrial economy that cannot be traced in some way to the business of finding, extracting, transporting, refining, financing, supplying,…

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Don’t blame “the market.” Individual people with money and power do not like nuclear

…blog Atomic Insights has this critical post on my work (and that of CatoJerry Taylor): Challenging Master Resource’s implication that Enron was the only rent seeking manipulator (November 25, 2011). I am not a big nuclear fan because it is wildly uneconomic versus $4/MMBTU natural gas, and banks will not support it in the free world. Note that nuclear has a very high up-front capital cost versus fossil-fuel-fired plants, and that debtors want c…

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Identifying antinuclear slants in Richard Martin’s “Superfuel”

…more fossil fuel promoting wolf in sheep’s clothing – on a part with Jerry Taylor of the Cato Institute. Why in the world would anyone who recognizes that conventional light water reactors have an outstanding safety record and generate massive quantities of emission free power at a reasonable cost decide that shutting down existing nuclear plants is a higher priority that shutting down coal plants – and wants to keep on operating natural gas plant…

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