PBS Need to Know – The Nuclear Option. Damning with faint praise

As a pronuclear advocate who majored in English as an undergraduate, I could not help but notice the frustratingly effective use of slanted language in the above video segment to damn nuclear energy with faint praise. From the very pregnant pause after President Obama says “if it’s safe…..”, to Dr. Lester’s multiply negative statement saying…

Fear mongering over WATER leaks at Fukushima Dai-ichi

Update: (Posted August 30, 2013 0646) There is a companion post in response to comments and additional information developed in the period since the original publication. End Update. I’ll start with the bottom line first: despite all word to the contrary, there is no reason for anyone to be concerned that “contaminated” water from the…

Atomic Show #207- Stomping scare stories

There has been a whole spate of scary stories published in the past couple of weeks about various aspects of nuclear energy. While the reason for the flood is not entirely clear, some atomic advocates — including me — believe that people who have invested their careers in working to halt nuclear energy are worried…

Ted Rockwell shared knowledge to combat Fukushima fears

By A. David Rossin Internationally recognized radiation engineer Ted Rockwell raised more than a few eyebrows when he maintained, in the aftermath of the Fukushima catastrophe in Japan, that the fear of radiation does more harm than the radiation itself. Responsible health experts know that outside the plant boundaries, radiation levels are detectable but low,…

Natural gas suppliers have no doubts about climate change

After receiving an email asking me to participate in a poll for the American Nuclear Society, I asked the following question of my Twitter followers. Would the American Natural Gas Society poll its members to find out if they should stop marketing the “low-carbon” aspect of their product? — Rod Adams (@Atomicrod) August 8, 2013…

How important has oil money been to antinuclear movement?

A couple of days ago, I wrote about my discovery that Robert O. Anderson, a long time leader in the global petroleum business, had provided the seed money that David Brower used to fund Friends of the Earth, an organization that has been fighting against nuclear energy for more than 40 years. I pointed out…

Another Blogger for Nuclear Energy – Mike Walker at NuclearStreet.com

Mike Walker has just introduced himself as Another Blogger for Nuclear Energy. He posted his first blog titled “Big, ugly, and scary”, or How Hollywood has Misinformed the Public About Nuclear Power on NuclearStreet.com. Here is how Mike describes his blog and his mission: This blog will focus on how to communicate in an even,…

Smoking gun: Robert Anderson provided initial funds to form Friends of the Earth

In 1969, Robert O. Anderson, an oil man whose long career included a stint as the Chief Executive Officer of Atlantic Richfield (ARCO) (now part of BP, the company formerly known as British Petroleum), gave David Brower $200,000 to start Friends of the Earth (FOE). Here is a quote from that organization’s page about nuclear…