Reed College has a nuclear reactor operated by undergraduate liberal arts majors

Reed College is perhaps best known among technologists as the place where Steve Jobs learned about calligraphy – among a number of other useful topics. It is also the only liberal arts college that owns a research reactor that is operated primarily by undergraduates. I hope you enjoyed Will and Norm’s visit to the Reed…

Jaczko and Issa communications dated May 7, 2012

Updated (May 9, 2012 05:47 am) This now includes information from Southern California Edison and the California Independent System Operator explaining why they had published an “estimated return to service date” for San Onofre. Original post starts here. Stories that underly other stories can be fascinating topics for discussion. Yesterday morning, a friend sent me…

Pronuclear videos continuing to proliferate – The Nuclear Option

With a hat tip to Ben Heard at Decarbonize SA, I thought it might inspire you to see two videos side by side. These videos were created in geographic locations that are about as far apart as you can get and still be on Earth. As far as I can tell, neither creative team knew…

Nuclear fission qualifies as “ultra low carbon” power; natural gas does not

In the power system marketing wars, both nuclear fission and natural gas are currently labeled as “low carbon” sources of electricity. Even though nuclear fission reactors can be clean enough to run inside sealed submarines, the forces who oppose nuclear energy insist that there is enough CO2 produced in the fuel cycle and in the…

Atomic thoughts best heard today @atomicrod on Twitter

Though many of you appreciate the long form blogging on Atomic Insights, there are just too many different topics worth mentioning today to try to put together a reasonably coherent post. If you want to engage and see just how many different issues have captured my attention today, I suggest that you watch the Twitter…

Adam Curry Exposes Robert Alvarez’s Fukushima Spent Fuel Pool Fable on No Agenda

I’ve been following a couple of conversations about a recent story that has been floating around the web from an antinuclear Chicken Little named Robert Alvarez. According to Alvarez, a man who seems to believe that it is physically possible for dense, corrosion-resistant, solid material to instantaneously vaporize, the spend fuel pool at Fukushima Daiichi…

Human society is changing climate & ocean chemistry – what do we DO about it?

There was a scene in the ABC documentary titled I Can Convince You About … Climate” that featured Bjorn Lomborg, the self proclaimed “Skeptical Environmentalist”. Lomborg acknowledges that human activity is causing the climate to change due to changing atmospheric chemistry, but he thinks that the proposed solutions are either too expensive, not effective, or…

Has Apocalyptic Portrayal of Climate Change Risk Backfired?

During the Australian Broadcasting Company documentary titled I Can Change Your Mind About … Climate there is a scene where Anthony Leiserowitz (via Skype video) shares some of what he has learned during his research about climate change attitudes with Nick Minchin and Anna Rose, the show’s protagonists. Here is how the producers of “I…