No fan of renewable energy projects

Many of my colleagues in the energy business try to be environmentally correct and do not like to make clear statements that criticize any particular energy source. They especially avoid any hint that they actively oppose the development of the “popular” renewable energy sources like wind and solar power. (Note: At one time, biomass had…

It's show time for the CANDU

When Canada began its nuclear power program, it chose to use heavy water to moderate (slow down) the fission neutrons. This choice reduces the number of neutrons that are not available for fission by reducing the absorption of those neutrons in the moderator. The improvement in neutron utilization is enough to allow a self sustaining…

The Atomic Show #085-2 – ANS Student Conference Career Fair Part 2

Duke Energy, Ameren, US Navy Nuclear Power Program, Dominion On February 29, 2008, I visited the American Nuclear Society Student Conference 2008 Career Fair and talked to a number of organizations that had booths set up to find out what kind of opportunities were available. I tried to get a reasonable selection of contractor, government…

The Atomic Show #085-1 – ANS Student Conference Career Fair Part 1

NRC, Black and Veatch, Southern California Edison, and Argonne National Laboratory On February 29, 2008, I visited the American Nuclear Society Student Conference 2008 Career Fair and talked to a number of organizations that had booths set up to find out what kind of opportunities were available. I tried to get a reasonable selection of…

Smart people party

After the award ceremony for the presenters and engineering challenge, after the speech by Mr. Luis Reyes, the Chief Operating Officer of the NRC, and after a fine Texas dinner of steak and potatoes, the American Nuclear Society Student Conference concluded with one last group event – the party. Luminant, the company that recently purchased…

ANS Student Conference 2008 – progress report

I mentioned a few days ago that I was going to be attending the ANS Student Conference at Texas A and M. I promised myself that I would try to produce some on the site blogs, but it is always difficult to find the time to produce a good entry during a conference. There are…