The welders are talking

I have been talking for quite some time about the economic benefits of nuclear power and how it provides some great jobs for technically minded people, even if they do not want or need a college education. You can find out what some of the potential beneficiaries think by reading through the forum at….

Atomic Show Number 62 – Recording and analysis of John Edwards

On June 19, I attended a John Edwards for President campaign event in Washington. I mentioned the event a couple of days ago and announced that I would post an Atomic Show podcast with the recorded speech and some comments about it. If you have any interest in American politics, you can find the show…

The Atomic Show #063 – NNadir interviews Rod Adams about Adams Engines(TM)

NNadir is a popular diarist on Daily Kos. He appeared recently as a guest of The Atomic Show and has returned to interview Rod Adams about the Adams Engine(TM) As the host of The Atomic Show, I have occasionally shared some information about the Adams Engine(TM), my own design for an atomic power source that…

Turning coal ash into energy

As many nukes know, there is a certain amount of uranium and thorium present in most coal. The China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) is taking a look techniques for treating coal ash piles to release the uranium that should be concentrated there, since uranium oxide is not combustible. (See, for example CNNC looks for new…

John Edwards – a candidate who needs some help with his math

Last night I joined several hundred Washington DC residents at a bar at 1223 Connecticut Ave, paid my $15 donation, and listened to John Edwards explain his plan for leading America. I have a reasonable quality recording of the event that I plan to process and share via The Atomic Show feed, but that effort…

Balanced discussion of California electricity supply has published an important article by Sarah Jane Tribble titled A dark horse for alternative energy that gives a good overview of the current discussion that is starting to occur in California about future energy supplies. I highly recommend that you visit the article and enter into the conversation – the site takes comments….

Tribute to Ray Adams

Father’s Day has been bittersweet for me for the past 20 years. I love the ways that my daughters remember the day, but I often find myself wishing that I could give my dad a huge hug and thank him for all of the ways that he influenced me as a person and as a…

The Atomic Show #061 – Allison MacFarlane, Atomic Agnostic

Dr. Allison MacFarlane is an Associate Professor of Environment Science and Policy at George Mason University. She is also a self proclaimed nuclear agnostic who is not sure that nuclear power can grow much. About a month ago a friend sent me a link to an interesting panel discussion that was held at MIT on…

Comment from a reader about support for Czech anti nuclear movement

I have a number of readers that are a bit shy about posting comments on the blog, so we engage in off line discussions that can become quite useful. If possible, I obtain permission from the correspondent to share those discussions with you. Here is a recent one that I thought you might enjoy. (The…