Important public events related to nuclear energy scheduled for week of April 23

Meredith Angwin, the energetic and caring pronuclear blogger at Yes Vermont Yankee shared the following message. It deserves wider notice so that the individual events attract the kinds of audiences that can make a difference in direction that the discussions take. Three upcoming events need your attention and support. The local (New England) grid depends…

Nuclear Literacy Project goes live

The Nuclear Literacy Project has officially opened its virtual doors for visitors. This collaborative effort has been several months in the making with a number of talented hands ensuring that the the unveiling would be a real success. The site is designed to appeal to curious people who do not have preconceived notions, but really…

Nuclear energy’s unpopularity on Wall Street should be ringing endorsement

People lined up to oppose nuclear energy development often resort to an interesting argument to use against it. According to the frequently repeated line, nuclear energy investments are so risky even Wall Street is not interested. Here is an example quote from an article titled Senators warn nuke plan poses severe risk Sens. Rob Hogg…

Accurate nuclear and radiation health information is sorely needed

As I was reading about the organized protests against nuclear energy project development in India, I noted the following passage. It provides evidence for the importance of working hard to spread accurate information about nuclear energy and the health effects of radiation. Sunthari Pentan sat near the church in a black sari and gold-colored necklace,…

99% of mankind should love nuclear energy

Please be patient with me on this post – it might take a while before I clearly demonstrate why it belongs on Atomic Insights. First I want to share a couple of entertaining, but informative videos that you’ll probably never see in the commercial media. This is another version of the same song, performed with…

Furious About Fossil Fuel Funded Fukushima Frenzy

Throughout the past week, I have gotten increasingly angry as I read more and more drivel coming from the establishment about how the lessons of March 11, 2011 should result in our society turning its collective back on nuclear fission power production. According to countless pundits, the events that took place on that day –…

Powering America (and the world) with nuclear energy

The Heritage Foundation has produced a factual, inspiring, visually appealing documentary titled Powering America. As the title suggests, it is focused on the United States and our energy choices, but the need for power is universal and the options are essentially the same all around the world. Here is the trailer: Powering America Trailer from…

MidAmerican Energy uses YouTube video in response to FOE television ad

The Friends of the Earth (FOE) has developed a 30 second television advertisement that uses Fukushima as a hypnotic code word to spread fear, uncertainty and doubt about new nuclear power plants. It has purchased time slots in all of the major media markets in Iowa, where legislation is being considered to give the Public…

Hydrocarbon marketers had a motive to oppose nuclear energy growth

Why have the efforts to restrict nuclear energy development been so well supported for so many years? My theory is that hydrocarbon marketers have had a strong financial motive for supporting any group that seeks to reduce the supply of energy. Even when those groups seem to be fighting against the hydrocarbon industry, they are…

NRC may FINALLY issue its first COL ever

At noon today, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission is scheduled to hold an affirmation session. The second item on the agenda is listed as “b. Southern Nuclear Operating Co. (Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 3 and 4), Docket Nos. 52-025-COL & 52-026-COL – Draft Mandatory Hearing Decision (Tentative).” The meeting will be available via a…