Search Results for: "Arjun Makhijani"

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Contradicting Arjun Makhijani’s claim about bombs from power reactors

On March 3, 2015, Arjun Makhijani testified in front of a committee of the Minnesota Senate. The committee was conducting an investigation on whether or not it should recommend lifting the state’s current moratorium on building new nuclear reactors. Here is the presentation that he prepared and delivered. During his recorded testimony, Makhijani falsely stated that each of France’s nuclear power plants produces 30 bombs worth of plutonium every y…


Atomic Show #183 – Discussion with Dr. Arjun Makhijani

This evening I had the opportunity to talk with Dr. Arjun Makhijani, the President and Senior Engineer at the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IEER) of Takoma Park, MD. The conversation is available at Atomic Show #183 – Arjun Makhijani Explains Carbon Free, Nuclear Free Strategy Dr. Makhijani is the author of Carbon Free, Nuclear Free (PDF download copy). That book is dedicated to Helen Caldicott and S. David Freeman. Makhijani c…


Atomic Show #183 – Arjun Makhijani Explains Carbon Free, Nuclear Free Strategy

Dr. Arjun Makhijani has been fighting against the use of nuclear fission energy since his college days in the late 1960s. He was influenced by Professor Thomas Pigford at the University of California, Berkeley who lectured on the need to build 1000 nuclear reactors because using fission was better than depending on coal. After hearing that lecture, Makhijani questioned the need for using so much power in the first place. He spent the next year de…

Professional Anti-Nuclear Analysts Deny the Existence of a Nuclear Revival

…ral years to convince South Africans to stop developing the PBMR); and Dr. Arjun Makhijani, author of Carbon-Free and Nuclear-Free: A Roadmap for U.S. Energy Policy (2007). These professional anti-nuclear activists are entitled to their opinion, and they are working hard to turn their minority opinion into something as close to fact as possible, but my research indicates that they are simply wrong. The building process envisioned in 2005 has been…


Antinuclear activists don’t like continued storage rule

Several of the usual suspects — including Dr. Mark Cooper, Dr. Arjun Makhijani, and Diane Curran — have banded together to assert their opinion that the NRC’s recently issued NUREG-2157, Generic Environmental Impact Statement for Continued Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel, violates the following provision of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. In connection with applications for licenses to operate production or utilization facilities, the applicant shal…

Divergent views about nuclear power economics

…that he chose to quote with regards to nuclear power’s investor appeal was Arjun Makhijani, a man who has been a professional anti-nuclear activist for several decades. Another piece of the financial puzzle that needs understanding is the fact that no development is right for all times and all places. Mr. Parenti makes a big deal about the fact – discussed in previous posts on Atomic Insights – that Warren Buffett made a decision not to proceed wi…

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Paul Wilson & Bret Bennington vs Arnie Gundersen & Heidi Hutner on Nuclear Sustainability

…y contribute to powering the entire state of New York. He also stated that Arjun Makhijani has doubled down on his claim that it is possible to have a carbon-free, nuclear-free power system by moving his transition completion target date back from 2050 to 2035. At the very end, Gundersen explains why he soured on the nuclear industry in 1990, 19 years after he earned his MS in Nuclear Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. There’s noth…

"Wall Street Does Not Like Nuclear Power" – That's Great, Because I Do Not Like Wall Street!

…Amory Lovins of the Rocky Mountain Institute, Michael Mariotte of NIRS, or Arjun Makhijani of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research claim that nuclear power is destined to fail because “Wall Street does not like nuclear power”, take that as a ringing endorsement for the technology. Perhaps someday, they will figure out that recent history has clearly exposed the systemic weakness of “Wall Street” decision making capabilities. I am no…


Small Reactors, Safety Culture, Safe Design, and Lessons Learned From SL-1

…s from organizations that have never met a nuclear reactor that they like. Arjun Makhijani, the nuclear fusion specialist who rarely misses any opportunity to spread FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) about the use of nuclear energy, has gotten together with the Physicians for Social Responsibility (the group initially formed by Helen Caldicott) to release a “study” claiming that small nuclear power plants are “no panacea” for the issues that they…

Quoted Press Release Anti-MOX Coalition Statement

…nt fuel, thereby perpetuating the threat of theft and diversion,” said Dr. Arjun Makhijani, President of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research in Takoma Park, Maryland. Another major concern for coalition members is the impact of the DOE providing significant subsidies to the nuclear power industry to facilitate the use of MOX in commercial reactors. “This smells like polluter pork to me,” said Anna Aurilio, a staff scientist with th…

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Atomic Show #217 – Michael Mariotte, President NIRS

…nd NRG, and countries like Denmark and Germany are showing the viability of that goal. Not surprisingly I disagreed with his belief; there are real limitations that make the vision closer to a mirage than an attainable goal. However, we kept the conversation civil. Unlike my talk with Arjun Makhijani, the author of Carbon-Free, Nuclear-Free, Mariotte did not hang up. In fact, we left the conversation open as something that might be continued on an…

Small is Beautiful, Even for Nuclear Fission Reactors

…hange investor and customer minds about nuclear energy as a power source, you might be interested in reading Less Is More for Designers of “Right-Sized” Nuclear Reactors. The article is generally informative, but the author is evidently compelled to add balance by quoting people like Arjun Makhijani, who can always be relied upon to say something negative about nuclear energy. In this particular article, he demonstrates his preference for ignoranc…

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